SunCHECK® Patient brings Plan Checks, Secondary Calculations, Pre-Treatment QA and In-Vivo Monitoring into a single workflow, on the same platform as your Machine QA.

Purposefully Automated
SunCHECK Patient streamlines data transfer and time-consuming tasks, enabling greater focus on improved treatment quality.
Common Analysis Tools & Centralized Storage of Results
In support of standardization, SunCHECK Patient provides common analyses across each Patient QA phase -- and stores all results for easy retrieval and review.
Custom-Fit for Your Clinic
We optimize SunCHECK Patient for the planning and delivery technologies you use -- and provide flexible, automated analysis options for every step. As updates occur and your needs evolve, SunCHECK Patient adapts.

Use with the EPID to uncover errors due to patient setup and beam delivery throughout the treatment course.
“Because this system is fully automated so that no physicist time is required for data acquisition and evaluation, daily patient treatment QA is feasible.”
J Appl Clin Med Phys (2018)

Answering Clinical Need for Efficiency, Insights
More than 1,600 clinical users have adopted SunCHECK, and a wealth of publications affirm its clinical value. Review our publications to learn more.

Browser-Based Access
In-depth insights for each phase of Patient QA are within easy reach for your staff, from any networked computer.

TG-218 Compliant
Like ArcCHECK®, SunCHECK Patient supports AAPM Task Group 218 requirements for pre-treatment QA.

Absolute Dosimetric QA
Using calibrated EPID data, true dosimetric In-Vivo Monitoring is clinically feasible, creating a fully independent absolute dosimetric QA of patient treatments.

ArcCHECK Integration
ArcCHECK connectivity within SunCHECK Patient expands pre-treatment QA options, with enhanced root-cause analysis of delivery issues.

Complete Device Control
SunCHECK allows full control of essential Sun Nuclear Patient and Machine QA devices, without having to launch or maintain a separate application.

Iridium Kankernetwerk
Wilrijk, Belgium
Develop and implement an in-vivo dosimetry program for a busy department working across four locations. Efficiently uncover treatment errors and improve patient safety.
SunCHECK™ Patient


- Assessing the impact of adaptations to the clinical workflow in radiotherapy using transit in vivo dosimetry
- A hybrid method to improve efficiency of patient specific SRS and SBRT QA using 3D secondary dose verification
- IPEM topical report: results of a 2020 UK survey on the use of online treatment monitoring solutions for IMRT/VMAT
- Comparing treatment uncertainty for ultra- vs. standard-hypofractionated breast radiation therapy based on in-vivo dosimetry
- Evaluation of automated pre-treatment and transit in-vivo dosimetry in radiotherapy using empirically determined parameters
- EPID in vivo dosimetry implementation world-wide: results of an ESTRO survey
- Results of 2 years of automated pre-treatment and absolute transit in vivo dosimetry
- Assessing the extent of treatment delivery errors among IROC H&N and lung phantoms
- Evaluation of Treatment Plan Uncertainties for VMAT TBI
- Characterization of An Independent 3D Dose and MU Verification Software for Lung SBRT Treatments
- Validation of a GPU-Based 3D dose calculator for modulated beams
- A hybrid volumetric dose verficiation method for single-isocenter mutliple-target cranial SRS
- Assessment of three software systems for the independent calculation of Eclipse HyperArc SRS plans
- Validation of forward projected EPID based transit dosimetry for daily In Vivo dosimetry in an automated workflow & evaluation of initial patient data
- Evaluating the ability of Sun Nuclear’s DoseCHECK software to detect clinically significant errors
- Analysis of transit in vivo dosimetry for VMAT H&N treatments: weight loss and shoulders position
- Large scale clinical implementation of in vivo dosimetry - What value does it bring?
- Real Time dose computation; GPU-accelerated source modeling and superposition/convolution
- Validation of photon convolution-superposition algorithm applied to daily in vivo QC in radiotherapy
- Towards real time radiation therapy: GPU accelerated superposition/ convolution
- Integrated Platform Supports Advances in Radiation Therapy Workflow
- Analysis of dose variations and sources of error in VMAT treatments with an EPID-based in vivo dosimetry system
- Can a commercially available EPID dosimetry system detect small daily patient setup errors for cranial IMRT/SRS?
- First Report of the Clinical use of a Commercial Automated System for Daily Patient QA using EPID Exit Images
- Sensitivity study of an automated system for daily patient QA using EPID exit dose images
- Validation of three-dimensional electronic portal imaging device-based PerFRACTION™ software for patient-specific quality assurance
- Comparison of CT number calibration techniques for CBCT-based dose calculation
- Comparison of two different EPID-based solutions performing pretreatment quality assurance: 2D portal dosimetry versus 3D forward projection method
- In Vivo dosimetry using CBCT and EPID device; analysis of sources of errors in VMAT Treatments
- A Multidisciplinary approach to Palliation -Rapid Access Targeted Personalised Radiotherapy Clinic
- In vivo dosimetry with electronic portal imaging device in VMAT for prostate cancer
- In vivo dosimetry in external beam radiotherapy
- A quantification of the effectiveness of EPID dosimetry and software-based plan verification systems in detecting incidents in radiotherapy
- Catching errors with in vivo EPID dosimetry
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Clinical / Technical Notes
- Secondary Calculations: Revisiting Rationale, Rethinking Methodologies
- DoseCHECK & PerFRACTION: On the Accuracy of the SNC Dose Calculator Algorithm
- On the Matter of Forward Versus Back Projection for Radiotherapy 3D Dose Reconstruction
- EPID Dosimetry in SunCHECK™ Patient: EPID Calibration, Pre-Treatment QA and In-Vivo Monitoring
- MoreLess

Webinars & Videos
- Benchmarking In-Vivo Dosimetry Systems: Results from a SunCHECK User Survey
- Building a Complete QA Program & Improving Patient Care
- Errors Caught & Corrected Before & During Treatment
- Clinical Experience on an Automated QA Platform in a Busy Multicentre Department (Hosted by Physics World)
- SunCHECK® Platform Overview Video
- PlanCHECK Demo Video
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- SunCHECK Patient Datasheet
- PlanCHECK Datasheet
- SunCHECK Platform Brochure
- SunCHECK Feature Table
- Iridium Kankernetwerk Case Study
- Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Case Study
- Clatterbridge Cancer Centre Case Study: Standardizing Quality Management with Sun Nuclear Solutions
- Case Study: Vitta Radioterapia Porto Alegre (Brazil) Patient-Specific QA with SunCHECK Patient
- MoreLess
Browser Support |
Google Chrome (recommended), IE11 |
Meets Reimbursement/Reporting Requirements |
Yes |
Supported Treatment Modalities |
HDR Brachytherapy, 3D CRT, IMRT, VMAT, SRS and SBRT |
API Connectivity |
Yes, SunCHECK Patient |